Description:       Machine Stress Rated Lumber

Species:            MSR

Grades:             MSR 1650, MSR 2100, MSR 2400,
                       MSR 1950 and MSR 2250

Sizes:               MSR 1650: 2X3, 6' to 16'
                                      2X4, 6'to 20'
                                      2X6 8' to 20'

                       MSR 2100: 2X3, 6' to 16'
                                      2X4, 6'to 20'
                                      2X6 8' to 20'

                       MSR 2400: 2X4, 8' to 20'
                                      2X6, 8' to 20'

                      MSR 1950: 2X8, 8' to 20'

                      MSR 2250: 2X8, 8' to 20'           
Availability:       Canada, USA
Dry Lumber >> SPF >> MSR




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Contact us about this product
Machine Stress Rated is lumber that has been evaluated by mechanical stress rating equipment. equipment. MSR is distinguished from visually graded lumber in that each piece is non-destructively evaluated and scored in a modulus of elasticity class. Following this “E” assignment, each piece must also meet certain visual requirements before it can be assigned engineering design values.